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in just twelve weeks
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Your Audience
Your Authority
Your Channel

What is it costing your ideal client not to do business with you?
Use this section to make clear what the stakes are of not working with you or joining your program. How will life look a year from now if they do nothing or choose another avenue? This can be in paragraph form or you might find it easier to create some bullet points.
Use this section to outline 3-5 key benefits your client
will experience after working with you

An explanatory paragraph that outlines the benefit someone can expect to receive after completing your program or joining your membership.

An explanatory paragraph that outlines the benefit someone can expect to receive after completing your program or joining your membership.

An explanatory paragraph that outlines the benefit someone can expect to receive after completing your program or joining your membership.
An empathetic statement that also positions you as the authority
It wasn't so long ago that I was where you are now and I know what it feels like to want XYZ. Talk about your own story of transformation and the pivotal moment where you knew things needed to change.
Over the past X number of years, I've helped [number] of people achieve Y result. Give some measurable results that will demonstrate your authority and show you're credible.

Hear what people are saying...

"I have successfully achieved XYZ because of [program name]"
Start your testimonial off with an extract of the strongest line and then add the full testimonial underneath...it shouldn't be an essay. Put the name and business at the end, not at the beginning.
Name, Business
"I have successfully achieved XYZ because of [program name]"
Start your testimonial off with an extract of the strongest line and then add the full testimonial underneath...it shouldn't be an essay. Put the name and business at the end, not at the beginning.
Name, Business

Our XYX framework/system will help you overcome [what].
Choose your preferred method of learning and
let's get started

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ante mi, mattis non vulputate blandit, semper ac tellus. Nam elementum risus at mauris malesuada mollis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ante mi, mattis non vulputate blandit, semper ac tellus. Nam elementum risus at mauris malesuada mollis.
This is your
Explanatory Paragraph
Empathize with your client’s problems and then talk to how great their life will be once they've completed your program and learned your system/framework. This paragraph can either be a high-level introduction to your signature offer or an About section where you use your own experiences to demonstrate why you're the best person to help them achieve their desired result. Be the Guide, not the Hero.